Music Education

The Music Department consists of music educators all of whom are experienced and experts in their fields.

Our music programs are grounded on the "contemporary teaching methods". Music lessons are held in fully equipped music rooms suitable for applying “contemporary teaching methods”. In order to combine music, movement, drama, and speech into lessons the “orff-schulwerk” approach is frequently applied in classroom music activities.

Having been trained and run by our experienced and expert music educators, the Near East Yeniboğaziçi Junior College Choir appears on the stage on national days and year-end shows throughout the academic year and provides a great contribution to reinforcing the meaning and importance of the ceremonies via music.

Our polyphonic special choir has been invited to perform on various events held so far. Thanks to the devoted efforts of our music teachers, our special choir frequently performs in music programs on BRTK, Radio Güven, and Genç TV. In previous years, our choir took the stage at the choirs’ festival and received a standing ovation. Performing a concert in front of 750 people on the same stage with Cyprus legendary band SILA4 in 2011 is still an unforgettable event.

As a result of disciplined and systematic works, the Near East Yeniboğaziçi Junior College Band has made a name itself as an indispensable part of activities held both by Near East Yeniboğaziçi Junior College and the Near East University.

Having musical training at an early age not only promotes the love of music but also helps the children realize their existing musical talents and prepare the required infrastructure for the talented ones towards being the musicians of the future.