Assessment and Evaluation


The psychological counseling and guidance unit, with its expert staff, works in collaboration with families to provide preventive and supportive solutions to the challenges students face throughout their academic journey. The aim is to monitor students' social and emotional development within the learning environment, contribute to their growth as sensitive and creative individuals, and help them reach their full potential.


Assessment and evaluation are important parts of teaching and learning. Through assessment and evaluation, teachers and students can set new goals by identifying
what students know, understand, and are able to do at different stages of the learning process, fostering reflective thinking.

Our teachers take into account the general principles of assessment and evaluation, as well as the general objectives and outcomes outlined in the curriculum of each course. "Academic Evaluations" are conducted for our students twice each semester. At the end of each semester, our students receive their report cards, and we also share information with parents about areas where further development may be needed.

At the end of every month, a total of seven performance evaluations will be conducted: four in the first semester and three in the second semester. Based on the data obtained from these evaluations, performance improvement groups will be formed to help enhance the performance of all students.

The evaluation of first-grade students will be carried out by their own teachers according to the principles mentioned in the first paragraph, until the completion of their reading and writing processes.